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AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR) [ALN]
![AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR) [ALN] AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR) [ALN]](/images/megavet/3000-4000/AmpliTest-Legionella-spp-Real-Time-PCR_%5B3642%5D_480.jpg)
![AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR) [ALN] AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR) [ALN]](/images/megavet/3000-4000/AmpliTest-Legionella-spp-Real-Time-PCR_%5B3642%5D_480.jpg)
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AmpliTest Legionella spp. (Real Time PCR)
Kit for detecting DNA sequences specific to Legionella bacteriausing the Real Time PCR technique.
The genus Legionella includes more than about 50 species of gram-negative bacteria. The main reservoir of Legionella bacteria are hot water supply systems, cooling systems, air conditioners. The growth of Legionella bacteria is facilitated by increased temperature (approx. 40°C), closed water circulation, the presence of sediments and biofilm. Strong bacterial growth can occur in closed hot water tanks (e.g. boilers), blind sections of pipes, or sediments in separators and gravel separators. Legionella bacteria are the cause of diseases (legionellosis) that occur in two forms: Legionnaires' disease (severe pneumonia, the so-called pulmonary form) and Pontiac fever. The mortality rate of patients diagnosed with Legionnaires' disease can reach 15-20%. There are no fatalities with Pontiac fever. The main cause of disease is the species L. pneumophila (responsible for 80-90% of cases). Other species commonly seen in patients include L. micdadei, L. longbeache, L. dumofii, and L. bozemanii.
AmpliTest Legionella spp.(Real Time PCR) enables the detection of DNA sequences specific toLegionella bacteria in DNA samples obtained from various water samples (drinking water, process water, water from refrigeration systems, etc.). The Real Time PCR reaction is duplex. DNA detection of the spirochete takes place in the FAM channel. The second channel (HEX) is used for internal control detection. The controls in the form of DNA molecules obtained by genetic engineering methods included in the kit enable the control of the correct course of the Real Time PCR reaction.
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